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... 極唱聲樂——聲樂培訓中心,在挖掘和培養在音樂方面的天賦和潛能,提高綜合藝術修養。 ArtVocal.net —— vocal music training center, in the mining and training of talent and potential in music, improve the overall artistic accomplishment. 主要空間為公共休息區、教室、小舞臺和工作區。 The main space is public rest area, classroom, small stage and work area. ...... 每間教室和走廊的鏡面,這種「觀賞」,自然地促進學員的學習動力與表演熱情,讓這個過程變得生動、有趣。環境中的「形象符號」也變得更有提示性的作用,這個符號時刻提示著人們身處於藝術創作與訓練的氛圍中,氣氛安靜而優雅。 The mirror of each classroom and corridor, this kind of 「viewing」, naturally promotes the learning motivation and performance enthusiasm of students, and makes this process vivid and interesting. The 「image symbol」 in the environment has also become more suggestive. This symbol always reminds people that they are in the atmosphere of artistic creation and training. The atmosphere is quiet and elegant. ...... 這次設計,我們不談網紅打卡,不談IP流量,我們回歸於空間本體,利用好每一面牆體,安頓好每一束燈光,設計原則是去繁就簡,為教育空間類型提供一次冷靜的思考。 In this design, we don『t talk about Internet red card punching or IP traffic. We return to the space itself, make good use of every wall and install every light. The design principle is to simplify the complexity and provide a calm thinking for the type of education space. 形式追隨功能,不同人群的行為,決定了最終的形式,空間的轉折 Form follows function, and the behavior of different groups of people determines the final form, the turning point of space ... 利用好每一面牆體,不同功能和表情,前臺背景牆的小裝置,可陳列獎盃,充滿蓬勃活力與崇尚自然地氣息,人與物之間的互動,讓空格有了溫度。 Make good use of each wall, different functions and expressions, small devices on the background wall of the front desk, which can display trophies, full of vitality and advocating the natural atmosphere, the interaction between people and objects, so that the space has a temperature. ... 通過空間設計,突破固化得結構限制,實現開放、自由、靈活的現代教學環境,並讓學員與空間產生親密感,中間的小舞臺好似一座半通透的小房子,根據使用需求呈現出多樣的尺度與質感空間,讓學員在親切、舒適的環境中學習和表演。 Through the space design, we can break through the solidified structure restriction, realize the open, free and flexible modern teaching environment, and make the students feel intimate with the space. The small stage in the middle is like a semi transparent small house, which presents a variety of dimensions and texture space according to the use demand, so that the students can learn and perform in a friendly and comfortable environment. ......... 音樂教室在同時滿足隔音和吸音的聲學要求。 The music classroom meets the acoustic requirements of sound insulation and absorption at the same time. 極簡的室內設計可以滿足不同年齡的學員視覺感受。 Simple interior design can meet the visual experience of students of different ages. ............... 在色彩選擇上,我們以白色和原木色為主要基調,而作為輔助色的紫色,則增加了空間的趣味元素。 In terms of color selection, we take white and log color as the main tone, while purple as the auxiliary color increases the interesting elements of space. ...... 空間的核心區域為教室,每一件教室一側配有整牆面的鏡子,促進學員在學習聲樂的過程中時刻注意自己的儀態,並搭配天鵝絨質地窗簾,增加空間色彩豐富性的的同時,起到吸音、隔音的作用,利於聲音在空間內的反射。 The core area of the space is the classroom. One side of each classroom is equipped with a mirror on the whole wall to promote students to pay attention to their manners at all times in the process of learning vocal music, and match with velvet texture curtains to increase the richness of space color while playing the role of sound absorption and sound insulation, which is conducive to the reflection of sound in the space. ... 走廊牆面為鏡面,材料的反射可以增加空間的進深感,以提升體驗的趣味,挖掘和培養在聲樂方面的天賦和潛能,提高綜合藝術的修養。 The corridor wall is a mirror. The reflection of materials can increase the depth of space, enhance the taste of experience, tap and cultivate the talent and potential in vocal music, and improve the cultivation of comprehensive art. ...... 項目信息—— 項目名稱:極唱聲樂-聲樂教育培訓機構 設計方:言昱室內設計有限公司 項目設計 & 完成年份:2019年10月——2020年1月 主創及設計團隊:王言、任虹霏 項目地址:雲南省昆明市同德廣場 建築面積:125平方米 攝影版權:形在建築空間攝影 Project information—— Project name:ArtVocal.net—Vocal music education and training institutions Design:Yan Yu interior design Design year & Completion Year: October 2019——January 2020 Leader designer & Team:WangYan、RenHongFei Project location:Tongde square, Kunming, Yunnan Gross Built Area :125㎡ Photo credits:HereSpace
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